Business Strategy

Business Strategy for Startups and SMEs

The constant evolution of our world is affecting the way companies can position themselves to obtain a real competitive advantage. This may mean rethinking your corporate core and functions, or adopting new business models entirely.

At 2404|Group we offer a strategic vision of the environment and, through an honest evaluation of the true competitive advantages of each company, we help our clients create strategies that are not only based on theoretical knowledge, but also on practical experience.

How do we do it

Study and Analysis

Many companies today often overlook a basic principle: building on their strengths. That is why we offer a comprehensive evaluation service for your company, where we analyze all relevant aspects, from your organizational structure to your business model and marketing strategies.

Through this analysis, we identify your company's strengths and develop personalized strategies to make the most of them. Our goal is to help your company stand out in the market and achieve a long-term sustainable competitive advantage.


Once these capabilities have been analyzed, we can consider and take disruptive and transformative measures to enhance their growth. These measures include redefining the purpose of the organization, implementing digital transformation processes, advancing on the path of innovation, understanding customer and market needs, and optimizing resources.

In addition, we will establish an appropriate tax and financial strategy that allows your company to grow sustainably and profitably. Our goal is to help your company stand out in the market and achieve a long-term competitive advantage.

2404| Blog

User experience, engine of business innovation

Implement good UX strategies as a customer loyalty model.

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Corporate taxation

We facilitate decision-making, minimizing costs and fiscal risks with maximum legal certainty. 

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Startups and Entrepreneurs

We devise and implement your business model, providing a strategic and innovative approach.  

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